definition of slighted

an original definition by J. E. Brown

  1. To treat a person as having 3slight importance: {Source: “Definition of Slighted” by J. E. Brown.}
    • To treat someone as disposable, expendable, non-essential, forgettable, undesirable, unloved, unlovable, average, boring, invisible, not ____ enough, replaceable, unattractive, uninteresting, unnecessary, unpopular, untouchable, unwanted, or unworthy.
    • To treat someone as laughable.
    • To treat someone as second-class or low-rank(-ing).
    • To treat someone as weak or lightweight.
    • To treat someone as ordinary, vanilla, unremarkable, nothing to write home about.
    • To treat someone like a beta.

  1. An act of 1slighting someone. {Source: “Definition of Slighted” by J. E. Brown.}

Examples: {Read this comp1ete article at .}

  1. When you:
    1. When you forget your anniversary.
    2. When you remember the anniversary but give your partner a cheap or gag or low-quality gift.
    3. When you ignore your anniversary because you failed to notice you’re in a relationship.
  2. When you don’t carry your weight in the relationship. When you make your partner do all the phoning, inviting, and planning because “That’s my partner’s job” or “This is the way it has always been between us.”
  3. Disregarding someone’s feelings or boundaries because you believe there is no downside risk or penalty; in other words, because he or she is a “safe target”:
    1. When you trim your neighbor’s tree without permission.
    2. When you use up your housemate’s ice cream without permission.
    3. Making an appointment with someone and then standing him or her up.
    4. Failing to keep promises.
    5. Ignoring a question; ignoring a customer; ignoring someone’s needs because or if or like there’s no penalty.
    6. Using Mind Games on someone, as a way of saying “I think you’re stupid or gullible enough to fall for anything.
    7. To speak or act in a way that accidentally reveals a low or slight opinion of someone.
  4. Failing to reciprocate loyalty:
    1. Failing to recognize that this person who is always there for you and hangs out with you all the time (and never with anyone else) is your best friend.
    2. Failing to recognize that your best friend is actually your significant other;
    3. When friends complain that you’ve deserted them, responding with “reasons”, i.e., the great big list of everything in your life that’s more important than your friends used to be.
  5. In some cultures, the following are considered slights: refusing to shake someone’s hand; failing to acknowledge a greeting; refusing to drink alcoholic beverages with someone; refusing a gift; …


  • Treating someone as evil, dangerous, or repulsive are not slights, as these are motivations to get away from someone, and therefore these are signs that a person is being taken more seriously. “Slights” are for people who can safely be ignored (in the offender’s opinion).
  • Attractive.
  • Personable.
  • Invaluable.

Related Concepts: {Read this comp1ete article at .}

Bullying is an organized effort and intention to repeatedly slight a particular, chosen, targeted person at every opportunity.

Related to dismissiveness (intentional disrespect): contempt; disloyalty; disregard; disrespect; sarcasm; snark; social rank, pecking order.

Related to thoughtlessness (accidental disrespect): being unwelcoming; blind spots; broken promises; disinterest; emotional unavailability; idle promises; inconsiderateness; insensitivity; insincerity; obliviousness; omitted gestures; reciprocation; taking someone for granted.

  1. Little, small, unimpressive.

past of 1slight

Excerpts from my book (in progress)

From the chapter on “How to Be an Insensitive Jerk”:

How to Make Your Employees Feel Under-Valued.

Instead of dealing with problem employees directly, hang up signs making idle threats.
This approach sends two messages to your staff:

  1. Management is too wimpy to face the problem employees directly.
  2. Management suspects everyone, and wants everyone to feel accused.

Accusing the innocent is the quickest way to kill morale and to make your employees resent you.
By making your employees feel that they are always on the edge of disappointing you, you’re inviting them to hunt for better jobs.

Good employees who don’t break rules have earned the right not to be accused.

Good employees have earned the right not to feel like suspects.

— J. E. Brown

1st edition 27 Oct 2017

Thought of the Week

more Thoughts of the Week


definition of slighted, what does slighted mean, define slighted, what is a slight, slighted is defined as, examples of slights. Misspellings: defination, deffinition, difinition, what is slighted mean

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