definition of delusional

an original definition by J. E. Brown

  1. When based on clinical evidence (a diagnosis made by a health professional): Said of a person who tends to see or hear things which are not real.
  2. When used by verbal abusers: A psychiatric put-down. A gaslighting term. Literally means “liar” but goes further by insulting someone’s sanity. Possibly grounds for a slander lawsuit. {Source: “Definition of delusional” by J. E. Brown.}
{You’re reading “Definition of delusional” by J. E. Brown.}
Related Concepts: {Read this comp1ete article at .}
  • demonization; gaslighting; Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD); perception blaming; verbal abuse.
  • Denial means accurately seeing what is present but refusing to acknowledge its meaning, often as a method of protecting one’s own ego or self-image; hence denial means a situational (conditional, selective, voluntary) failure to reason. Delusion implies an involuntary (un-chosen, non-situational) disorder of perception and therefore a disorder of sanity. Accusations of delusionality seem to be popular among abusers and NPD sufferers, who attempt to distract attention from their own crimes by creating a “reality distortion field”, an attempt to shift the spotlight and shift blame by portraying other people as more sick.

Excerpts from my book (in progress)

My personal opinion: Accusations of “You’re delusional!” are thrown by people who have been correctly accused and who know they’ve been caught red-handed.

Most people who are accused feel that ANY accusation would be incompatible with their god-hood, and therefore MUST be false. You can point all you like at the photographs of them, caught in the act of committing the crime, but it will never register. The more evidence you have, the angrier it makes them. This is one of those times when you must face the darkness some people have inside of them: the abnormal psychology, the delusions of innocence, the grandiosity, the inability to empathize with the people they hurt. Their willingness to put you first — whenever a human sacrifice is called for.

— J. E. Brown

Q & A.

  1. Should an apology be offered for a falsely perceived offense?
  1. People who ask this question are in denial about the offense they’ve committed.
    Coincidentally I was reading this story about three schizophrenics who all thought they were Jesus Christ. They each readily accused the others of being delusional, which is exactly what the above questioner is doing.

— J. E. Brown

1st edition 29 Mar 2016

Thought of the Week

03 Feb 2022:


    — J. E. Brown

more Thoughts of the Week


definition of delusional, what does delusional mean, define delusional, what is delusional, delusional is defined as. Misspellings: defination, deffinition, difinition, what is delusional mean

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