definition of hypersensitive

an original definition by J. E. Brown

  1. A gaslighting term. A word used by verbally abusive people.

Synonyms: {You’re reading “Definition of hypersensitive” by J. E. Brown.}

  • overreactive

Related Concepts:

Excerpts from my book (in progress)

Well, let me tell you what I’ve learned: There are no hypersensitive people. All the people I’ve known were equally capable of being hurt. Anyone who tells you different is only trying to make you feel alone.

— J. E. Brown

They’ll try to convince you you’re overreacting. Consider the reasons why they want you to believe that: Once you believe that you’re the problem, they’re off the hook, and are free to go on mistreating others.

— J. E. Brown


Targets have an instinctive ability to detect malicious intent which is often labelled by those who lack this ability as "being oversensitive".

— British anti-bully activist Tim Field, “Myths and misperceptions about workplace bullying

2nd edition 23 Aug 2021
1st edition 17 Aug 2006

about the author

J. E. Brown, relationship activist and writer, has decided that verbal abuse will be wiped off the planet.

While writing a book on relationships, he occasionally designs online surveys and writes materials for this relationship education website.

more Thoughts of the Week


definition of hypersensitive, definition of hypersensitivity, what does hypersensitive mean, what is hypersensitive, what is hypersensitivity, define hypersensitive, define hypersensitivity; why do people overreact, why are people hypersensitive, defination, deffinition, difinition

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Brown’s Dictionary of Relationship Terms
Copyright © 2006-2021  J. E. Brown   all rights reserved.
Relationshop™: educational materials for good relationships
Los Alamos, NM USA