about the Quiz

The Relationship Compatibility Quiz grew out of a quiz the author has used successfully for years to screen compatible housemates.

The Quiz asks the tough questions to find out if two people have similar standards and ethics and a strong possibility of getting along well. We ask both partners a series of questions, to see how well their people skills and styles agree.
The Quiz can help you look for the red flags that spell doom and disaster.

For maximum cross-platform reliability, we tested the Quiz on multiple browsers.

about the author

J. E. Brown, relationship activist and writer, has decided that verbal abuse will be wiped off the planet.

He received good grades in his college psychology classes.
He once worked in a toxic work environment, and has known a number of abusive people, all of which set him on his mission.
Now he studies psychology whenever and wherever he can, is writing a book on relationships, and occasionally designs online surveys and writes educational materials for this web site.


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